About TAD


"BEST OF BOTH WORLDS" :::: © Tad "JTK.CA" NudistPoet

© Tad "JTK.CA" NudistPoet

Well, bit.ly/GuelphSchoolOfArt just called, and cancelled my nude modelling session because their original model was feeling better and coming in after all. I'm not disappointed. I'm happy that I got the call, and the School said they'll call me back in the future if they need me, and they'll give me more than just one day's notice, like they did yesterday. Honestly, I'm a bit relieved they cancelled. But I look forward to trying it out if they call again in the future. Generally, though, I think I'll stick with retirement from the work world. I like it. :-) I've been retired since age 36, in 2004; when I went on federal and provincial Disability pensions for my Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The OCD kept killing my jobs, so I decided to stop torturing myself. My bosses were always thrilled with the amazing quality of my work, but rather miffed at the paltry quantity. With the OCD, it generally takes me three times longer (than a normal person) for me to do everything.


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