About TAD


Tad becomes nude ART model, not just photos anymore ;-)

Jonathan Tad Ketchen
New experience 4 as I become an ART CLASS nude model. So far, I've used holding still during haircuts, as practice.
Jonathan Tad Ketchen
I thought my job description was retired janitor. However, I just got a call to work three hours tomorrow as a nude model for an art class.

Jonathan Tad Ketchen
( ) is modelling NUDE tomorrow for an art class. I guess that means today is LAUNDRY day. Weird. ;-P
Jonathan Tad Ketchen
just hired me 2 nude model 4 them from noon to 3 on Friday. My first art nude gig. Only been photos so far.


thorn_nm said...

good luck, been a model twenty years.

JTK.CA@TadCreations.com said...

Thanks thorn_nm . :-)

The art class gig didn't work out because the regular model could make it after all. But that's OK. It was kind of a relief. I'll probably just stick with doing my own nude self-portrait photos.